
By Marionb

All Wound up...

My yarn is all wound up and ready to go to the cottage to be knitted into socks by the fire or on the dock, or out in the porch. It is packed, along with my painting supplies and my books.  Oh yes and a bathing suit. It will be the start to another summer. A desperately needed summer...The waves will lap on the rocks and the beach. The call of the loon will echo across the water. The whippoorwill will sing for a while in the evening.. Jeremiah the bull frog will croak all night long...Coffee will be ready early in the morning and taken down to the dock. The chairs will be wet with dew. There may be a mist rising off the water. A fish might jump. The beaver will probably swim by;  he starts work early in the next bay. The resident heron will take off from his perch across the  back bay - the whoosh of his huge wings breaking the silence. Somewhere, there will be the drone of an outboard motor as some early bird cottager goes off fishing before breakfast... I am so ready for this.. Just to get away for a few days will make it seem as if life is returning to normal. It isn't, but it will feel like it!  I worked hard enough today to get organized to go, even gave up my nap - heh heh - and as a result, will be able to leave tomorrow morning - a day earlier than planned!  Woohoo.. "Free at last, free at last! "

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