
By lucia13


Hello blips! I hope you have a nice day. Here is cold and snow again. The spring is not here yet. I was around the house looking for same colourful blip. I made few shot around but I was not sure if I liked any one . I went to the garden but the snow was melting. Eventually I saw the tulips again, there are the most beatuful colours I can see in my kichen every day. I changed the water and saw the nice efect of the water drops and I was playng with it . I made some shots in a jug, in a glas etc, the sun coming in this moment and the light was nice so I think it was worthy try it. I like the refelection colours in the silver sink and the light . I hope you like it and if you would like give me your opinion will be nice.. I am here to learn and take my own pic for my paintings. thanks for your help..

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