King George Sound

Well we made it to Albany today and are snuggled in at a very smick caravan park at Emu Point.  I have wonderful memories of family holidays here when we would stay in the Guest House.  You can throw a hand line into the channel any day of the week and catch sand whiting!  
We are trying to make life a little easier on the way home and eliminate some of the huge drives.  So we headed off a day earlier than planned, I think it will make the world of difference.  Anyway that’s the plan.
I know many of you appeared to enjoy following us on the way to the west through our Gen3 Spot Tracking device.  Our blip buddy in BLACKHEATH even worked out where we had stopped for lunch today - that gave us a good laugh :) I thought I would repost the link just in case any of our buddies would like to follow us on our way to Uluru and the home to Wombat Hollow.  We still have many kilometres to travel yet!
Here’s the link:
Password: Walkingwombats2021
The image tonight is ok the King George Sound taken from the beach at Emu Point.  A very subdued scene compared to last night’s sunset. 

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