Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

Cold and snowy

We drove back in the snow last night, through blizzards. Thankfully we coped and arrived safely!

Today I woke up to more snow, so after my lecture decided to go up Blackford Hill to take a photo. I did consider driving up, but got stuck near the top and had a kerfuffle reversing back down again. I walked up in my wellies which were much better at getting a grip, but by the time I was almost at the top it was a blizzard again! It was very cold and horrible, so I decided to come down - so it stopped snowing so much by the time I was near the bottom! I took photos anyway, but my face was full of snow.

Home to clean up then back out to "buy" a car, which was an odd and brief visit. Still, £1517 cheaper than the list price.


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