We went IN a pub!!!! For a meal IN a pub!!!
Also after 8 months I saw my special friend Angela....I used to see her every week at work and even when I left I saw her every half term!!! This has been too long. We had a lovely day at Polesden Lacey and despite the promised rain that fell in torrents we missed every shower....so lucky. We also went in the house. It was a quick trip coz then...did I mention .... We went IN a pub!!!! For a meal IN a pub!!! It was to celebrate both our birthdays...I bought her lunch and she bought mine :)))
Then the excitement with lots of worry continued after we hoped that Maria’s Mum could get through customs....she made it. (Last time her papers were not correct despite checking with the British embassy and 2 airport officials....she got sent back after being held for 4 hours and never saw her young daughter just 2 days before Christmas:(((((. )

It was such a relief to see her walk through the door and now her 6 days of quarantine begins!!!! She’s only here for 14 but heyho!!!

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