Just Playing......

While waiting on the kettle to boil at breakfast time (it is ages since I have played with the spinning tops).

It was lovely and sunny - but breezy, but after breakfast the clouds were beginning to gather so I took a chance of trying to get some close-ups in the garden. Crouching down is a damned site harder than lying prone I can tell you (and just as hard to get up from).
The 8 shots are over here. I was quite surprised to see the Welsh Poppy and there was no sign of any flower spikes a couple of day ago.

It was a dentist appointment this afternoon.
Apparently there was a slight chip to one tooth (which already has filling) so that was ground flat and smooth to prevent food getting stuck under the filling or irritating the tongue.
I was asked if I wanted a scale & polish by hand (£25) or a water jet (£60) ........... Ehh - No Thanks.
So I paid the £2.72 for the tooth grind and left.

It's the last competition with the camera club I have been a member with during lockdown tonight. I have done not too badly with the last couple but as I refuse to re-enter pictures just because they have done well I have no idea how things will go and I know some of the entries have been winners in the past.
Wish me luck .... or at least, pass the tissues.

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