Van Life Day 16 - homeward bound

Day 16

We woke at 5, unnecessarily early but decided just to get going to Castlebay for the ferry. We got a text last night to tell us that CalMac were changing our destination from Oban to Mallaig - a storm was expected and this was the better option. However it meant an extra couple of hours driving. We don’t expect to get home till 7 or 8pm. CalMac put on a minibus for the foot passengers who were expecting to arrive in Oban but there was no sign of transport that could accommate the bicycles. Some riders had left their vehicles in Oban.

The crossing was smooth and we had good views of Rhum, Eigg and Skye though it was cloudy and dull.

The blip is the Glenfinnan Momument - the first time we had been able to stop there for years. They have made a new car park. Loads of vans and cars were there. People were walking up to the place from where they can get a good photo of the Harry Potter train going over the viaduct. I didn’t get a walk down to the monument - when Mr C found the parking charge was £6 he drove straight out again which is when I managed the photo.

We got fuel in Fort William and stopped for a picnic at Glen Coe. There were a lot of young people in cars stopped for photos plus a minibus of Chinese youngsters. They must have been freezing as there was a strong cold wind blasting down the Glen. We have had heavy showers too.

We pressed on over Rannoch Moor. One of our favourite freedom stops at the top of the hill between Bridge of Orchy and Rannoch Moor has been cordoned off.

We are now stuck in traffic on the Edinburgh by-pass having reached it at 5 pm. We should be home around 7pm, a 12 hour journey.

It’s been a wonderful trip. Thanks for joining us. All being well we’ll be off again in a couple of weeks.

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