Place: St Pete, FL 71/87
Main activity: Thurs - day of 1000 accomplishments
Notes: 5a wake-up, seems to be the usual. Lots of achievements and accomplishments, some miraculous. Got my new car registration, took the key and parking pass back to the beach - really going to miss that! Teresa was sick so couldn't say goodbye. Started packing the car and looks like everything is going to fit (with creative packing). Ended my mail forwarding and started the new one out west. Put on my license plate with new sticker. Marie (next door in 506) will deposit my refund check after I leave. And! Will not have to pay sales tax (anything under 6 months EXCEPT if lease is written for longer than 6 months - then it doesn't apply = extra $400 coming back to me, yayyy!). Tired and feeling the soreness of moving creeping into my back. 

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