
By Mindseye

First fotography for ages!

Typically a rubbish nights sleep....late to bed, still wide awake after 2, eventually got off, woken up just after 8 by the bin men....felt tired but had to get a move on as I was meeting up with other members of our Camera Club for the first time in 15 months!!!
Find it much easier to get up if I have things planned!!

Wished hub's photo a good morning, as I went downstairs for breakfast. Weather has been really lousy all day today :-/

I got held up on the East Lancs dual carriageway, as there had been an accident, so down tomone lane for a good while, which made progress slow, meaning I was half an hour late arriving at Alexandra Park on the outskirts of Manchester. Made a call, found out where the rest of the group was, well the other 3 hardy souls plus me :-/

They were stood under the Victorian awning to the rear of the Coffee House, sheltering from the wind and rain sheeting down :-(. I took a grand total of 3 photos, we had a good catch up and chat over an hour or so, then walked back to our cars and that was that!

Despite the weather, the park was busy, two teams playing football, a few dog walkers, runners and then the likes of us, and a few others sheltering from the elements, as you can see here :-)

Back home earlier than expected, had a couple slices of cheese and red onion on toast with a cuppa......then uploaded the images Id taken, checked both email in boxes, opened the post, mostly addressed to me now :-(

Then got changed and readied myself to go to youngest son and DiLs for tea tonight. Wheelie bin cleaner man delayed me as je called for his money. The garden bin was heavy again, full of pond debris and grass cuttings......the lid is completely missing after it was emptied this morning?!.Have ordered a replacement on the Councils website......could take up to 4 weeks!!!!!

Weather on the M62 was appalling....so much spray, so many idiots lol!

DiL is full of a cold, she kept her distance, so hopefully I wont succumb......we had spicy pork enchiladas for dinner, really nice :-) Had a nice chat about allsorts, includig hub of course.....he pops into all our minds, all the time....DiL said she was thinking about him as she chopped the peppers for the enchiladas, as hub disliked peppers with a passion ;-)

I didn't get home until 9.30......wasnt raining quite so much thankfully. Changed and sat down with a brew just before 10, blip done......and yes, a second tear free day so far! I know its bound to happen, but it does make me feel sad, as somehow the tears are tangible, if I dont shed any, its not cos I dont feel that ache in my chest every day, cos I do.

Hoping the weather is better tomorrow, going round to our neighbours for a coffee in the morning then off to meet a friend of ours for lunch.... weekend is upon us again, hope you are all safe and looking forward to it.

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