Acer blown .....
...... about!
I just had to make this look as if the sun was shining, I'm fed up of the crazy weather at the moment , it doesn't give anyone the incentive to do anything especially in the garden. I'm all ready to complete the work below the fence but the wind would make it difficult . So it's on hold for another day.
Summer! What's that!
It will be the longest day in 5 weeks time , and putting Covid to one side, we haven't had chance to take advantage of beautiful barmy evenings as we should have been able to at this time of year.
Do hope you've managed to keep on your feet and have had a good day so far.
I'm off to the hairdressers in a couple of hours, oh please don't rain and may the wind drop?.
Thoughtful ..... of anyone who has come to the UK for a holiday thinking it would be OK cos' of the vaccine roll out. The weather pays a lot towards a holiday.
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