
By NinjaShoe

Cake revelations

Growing up in a majority diabetic family - my mum, never much interested in cooking anyway, myself and one of my sisters also diabetic; we rarely had sweet things in the house, and certainly never made cakes!

In the last 15 years I've indulged very occasionally to encourage the children's interest, but it has always seemed time consuming and quite a lot of mess & hassle.

A recent revelation to me is that if you make cakes WITHOUT involving the children - it takes less time than going to the co-op. Marvellous discovery and recently I've got quite keen!

Sadly this batch of muffins are not going down well as I had the audacity to branch out a little and add FRUIT (raspberries) as well as the chocolate chips.....which got the thumbs down from 2 out of 3 kids.

So have discovered that another disadvantage is that it makes ME want to eat them....

Any takers?

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