Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

And now my telescope is home. :)
There was damage to the box but the company that sold it has checked it several times and it was ok. Still, they asked if I wanted this one, despite the damaged outer box, or if I wanted to wait (much, much longer) for another one. As you can see, I said yes to this one and collected the 11 kg heavy parcel today. I almost didn't bring my cart, but I'm so happy I did because it would've been heavy to carry all the way home. 
I thought I'd only tell my relatives about the telescope, because wish for even more was too much! But, a surprise awaited me in the little box: what I need to mount the camera onto the telescope - use it as a 'tele lens', not as a piggy back, and take photos through the telescope. I'd thought I'd buy that further on, so it was a very happy surprise! Now, all I need is clear skies... 

My arm hurts badly after the vaccine, but otherwise I feel ok. :)

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