Sleepy Purple

It looks psychedelic, but that would be the neighbour's fault... haha!

Went to bed at 07.00 after staying up all night for the hearing, followed by an hour on WhatsApp with Mimi.  I will sum up the entire thing with one sentence -- the other party was not prepared and the judge accepted that and will give them another chance next time.  Next time for them is July.  However, next time for me is June.  It was also agreed that there will come a moment when both cases will be combined in one hearing, even while they will remain separate.  Procedures have also been modified in view of the COVID-19 restrictions so that documents will no longer need to be positively identified in court most times because the courts cannot function the way they used to, most hearings being held through Teams.  The Viking and all other solicitors need to get used to this.  I might expand this paragraph later on, if at all, but at the moment I'm just too tired to do it.

Anyway, bed at 07.00 but up again at 11.00, but back to bed again at 13.30 and up again at 17.00.  Feeling thoroughly lousy about the whole thing because it has been delayed again, but later on, after dinner, and after AW had gone to Sweed's and Benna's for Thursday evening live bridge (he cancelled the online appointment with Hennen, who didn't ask why), as I prepared to watch the second evening of Eurovision 2021 auditions, I returned to a very basic truth -- that I can push the MNL case back into the bottom drawer and go back to enjoying my life here.

Because here and now is where I live.  The purpose of the case is to close the door there for good, because I couldn't close it properly before, and that will happen one day, but, in the meantime, everything here will go on as before.  Since when did MNL ever mean happiness?  Right.

Watching the Eurovision live stream on my laptop is a whole lot more enjoyable than following it on TV, with all the superfluous commentary.  Besides that, I could continue with my research while enjoying the music.

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