Mog in a Box

The milk had arrived before I got up today so I could have a decent coffee today. 

Otherwise I have not had much to do. There have been phone calls from various people including the doctors to instruct us to book our next vaccine. I explained that was not possible currently as we have the virus and have to wait 4 weeks. So they will get back in touch nearer the time!

I watched the last Innocent! I had wondered if it was the eventual person it was, but only in a left field kind of way. I never seriously entertained the idea! So I need another good crime/domestic noir type drama to entertain me and keep me from going stir crazy!

Weird technical problems have beset me today - Amazon inexplicably logged me out of my account and reported me to myself as a stranger who knows my password when I tried to log back in. Another reason for me to boycott them if my survey sites etc. did not pay rewards in Amazon vouchers! But I tried to pre-order a book from Waterstones and they would not even let me type in my card details! They didn't reject my card - they never even "saw" it!

Minst has been mischievous. I don't think he understands why no-one is making a fuss of him except me, and I have a glove on for the purpose. He's also not allowed on my lap! I hate this as much as he does but I want to minimise risk to him. He is enjoying this box but I will keep an eye on him to make sure he does not decide it is an alternative to his litter tray!

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