the usual place

This is the view I get when I'm almost at work at The Usual Place. I open the beautiful red gates and walk through the playpark to reach the cafe.

Today was the first day since September that I worked a full day, 8.30 - 4.30. Up until now I'd been on reduced hours while I recuperated from the broken hip. It all felt fine and it was great to see customers returning to the cafe and enjoying being out and meeting their friends.

It was also amazing to see that the trainees, after 5 months away, remembered how to do all the tasks, even how to take apart the coffee machine and put it back together again. Very impressive.

I came home and did an online meditation with yoga teacher Susan Neal and now I feel super-relaxed. Time for a short walk to see the bluebells and then its the weekly family FaceTime :-)

Have a lovely weekend, everybody!

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