Apricot Jam

Today's the day .......................... to just do it

When I was at the College of Commerce in Aberdeen back in the early '70s, as well as studying for a 'Diploma for Graduate Secretaries' - I also passed 'Higher Spanish'.

As is often the case, it was the teacher who taught Spanish who was absolutely brilliant - and so, as a result I loved the course and found it easy to pass the exam.  But unfortunately, over the years I have forgotten most of what I actually learned - apart from one phrase which has inexplicably remained with me.  That phrase is 'dicho y hecho' - which is the Spanish equivalent of 'No sooner said, than done'.

Now, don't ask me why I have remembered it.  All I can say is that it actually has come in very useful over the years.  I'm forever saying it to Will - because he's a very dicho-y-hecho-sort of person?!  I wish I could say the same about myself - but I would be lying if I did.

But on this particular occasion - I said yesterday, that I could feel some jam-making coming on.  And 'dicho y hecho' - here it is ......................

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