Last Of The Apple Blossom

We’ve had another quiet Saturday, starting with our regular not-the-park run run before breakfast. The return of park runs has been delayed until the end of June now as, nationally, not enough of the owners of land where runs are held have given their permission for them to be used again yet. Frustrating, but hopefully they are just waiting for Boris to confirm that things will return to ‘normal’ in mid-June, as planned.

After breakfast it was the weekly shop, then this afternoon I planted a few more plants we bought this morning then listened to Yeovil snatch victory from the jaws of defeat then defeat from the jaws of victory away at Altrincham, coming back from 2-0 down at half-time to lead 2-3, only to lose 4-3 to two late goals. All very exciting and not bad considering that we have so many injuries at the moment that we could only field 3 outfield substitutes on the bench, 2 of whom are academy lads, and then lost another plate to a broken ankle after just 6 minutes today.

While gardening, I spotted this solitary piece of apple blossom, looking good in today’s welcome sun.

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