Smelt it before I saw it
This afternoon was forecast to be bright and thus it transpired. Baz and I dropped off Len at tennis then motored on to Swithland Wood's northern car park.
We made our way to Stocking Wood, a conservation woodland within the bigger wood. Immediately different. Whereas the bigger wood is mostly oak, the trees in Stocking Wood are silver birch and hazel and more dense. The flora is also different. Here is where we found bluebells, now sadly passing over. Following the path round and barely managing to avoid the squelchy muddy puddles, the pungent aroma of garlic assailed us. Turning the corner, we came across the wild garlic.
It isn't as thick as I have seen it in the past. Like the bluebells it might have suffered from the dry period this Spring.
Everywhere was stunningly green, a light green, a green to make you feel joyful.
Basil met 'friends,' I'm pleased to say and I staggered back to the car park. I feel half asleep these days.
A man in the car park offered me a packet of chocolate fudge brownies which he said neither his wife nor he ate. When I got home, I looked at the ingredients, I can't eat them either because they contain wheat. Len is going to take them to the football tomorrow afternoon, Leicester City vs Spurs.
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