Another busy day............ And more rantings!!!

Lovely long walk in the Hermitage this morning. It was a beautiful day but because there was so much rain yesterday, everywhere was a bit muddy.

Had to stay 'home alone' while Ann went for lunch at the 'City Cafe' and then went to do a 'Meet & Greet'.

When she got home she said, 'Trixie, I need to go to 'Decathalon' yet again to change the trousers that I bought yesterday. (Read about all of yesterdays rantings here). You can come with me and when I've done that we'll go somewhere for you to play with your ball.' There was a queue to get into Decathalon. Ann had to wait 7 mins. 7 mins might not seem like a very long time but it is when one is in a queue and especially as she'd told me she'd be in and out in a minute! And when she realised that they didn't have the trousers she wanted in her size that just made her even more angry.

Shopping for clothes in COVID times is impossible. Grrrrrr............... After having taken two pairs home previously she knew that the trousers would fit her. All she wanted was a pair the same size that she'd bought yesterday with all the buttons intact?! Anyway don't know if any of you lovely Blippers shop in Decathalon, but ALL the tills are self service. That's another thing that annoys Ann but she's given up ranting about lack of customer service. Obviously she had to wait at the self service check out for someone to come and help her do a refund. She asked the 12 year old assistant obv she wasn't 12 but she looked it when the changing rooms were re-opening and when they would be getting more stock in. (Ann is determined she's going to buy these trousers. They fit her and once she's bought them she is never, ever going clothes shopping again until all this social distancing, queuing, lack of changing rooms etc, etc, etc, is back to normal). 12 year old didn't know. She said, 'You'd probably be better buying them online.' 'Great', said Ann, 'Can you order them for me then?' 12 year old said, 'NO, you'll have to do it yourself.' Ann's done it herself and can pick them up from Decathalon on 26 May. She was too mean to pay £5 to have them delivered.

…....................Why are shops even bothering to open? Why don't we all just do everything online and live in our own little isolated bubbles and never see anyone??? The world has gone mad!!!

And after that we went to 'Colinton Mains Park' so that I could play with my ball. I didn't play for very long because I was still tired from my morning walk and once I've flopped down three times the game is over.

On the way home we popped into 'KwikFit' because we've been driving around for almost 2 months with a 'warning' light on in our car. Apparently our 'start & stop' thingy isn't working but Ann isn't bothered about that. She just wants someone to turn off the warning light. KwikFit were just about to close so we left the car and hopefully they'll sort it out tomorrow for us.

…...........And here we are....................... another Saturday night........................ home alone together. Ann's said it before and she'll say it again......................... she is so lucky to have had me in her life during lockdown. She can't even begin to imagine what her life would have been like if she hadn't had me.

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