
By nicky


It survived! The petals are so papery but it must be a tough little plant to survive those winds.

Much calmer day today, weather-wise, so we managed a coffee at a farm shop where we went for a top up of fresh food. We sat outside although we were the only ones as everyone else was happy being inside, I guess. Trouble was, they were only doing table service inside so we had to queue up at the counter to get a takeaway, and they really haven’t got the space for people to queue inside - we were much closer to people sitting at a table than either us or they would’ve liked but there wasn’t much option. Don’t know how they’ll cope once the warmer weather arrives as they’ve just made their outside seating area much bigger!

The evening was spent watching Eurovision, with Adam and Tomoko joining in from London. It took a while to get the iPlayer streams synced but it worked ok in the end. There were a lot less rubbish acts than I remember from the past! I don’t know who won as I wasn’t staying up that late but I’ll check shortly.

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