
By stujphoto

Back in the throes of winter......

As drove into Edinburgh through at times blizzard conditions to meet up with my two pals I thought if you can't beat you may as well go with it. So after a warming coffee we decided to set off into the countryside in search of snow scenes. We were headed south into the Borders and as it it difficult to stop on busy roads we took a turn off from Edelston into the Meldrums. Eventually we decided that maybe this was a bit too adventurous as the road was fast disappearing under snow and my car is definitely not a 4X4 so we turned round but stopped at one or two spots on the way back. The snow showers were coming and going so quickly that we only had to wait a few minutes for the sky to clear in order to take our pictures. This little oval clump of trees on the hillside caught my eye and after comparision with numerous other images this was the one I decided to use for my blip.

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