Photos in A Major

By A


KT’s new log store and today’s task (or one of them). Out early for the Sunday morning spin, Paul wanted to ride before the rain (he got caught in hail actually!) so I went out for the morning spin at 8 am. Which was really quite early for a Sunday! However the upsides were all of the car / van / bus / anything else driving numpties whose driving brains have rotted over the past 12 months we’re still tucked up in bed.

Back for a Sunday brunch and then ticking a few more items off the work list. Now sat, watching the rain, gin in hand (we’ll not actually in my hand, I couldn’t type), listening to Radio Swizz Jazz (please pronounce radio as Rad-io, it’s so much more authentic!). It can’t be that bad eh, plus I’ve booked Friday as holiday, so only a four day week!!

Happy Sunday night all!

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