
The road is like a mirror, the cars only go along it very tentatively.

Earlier some older children were having fun sliding on the ice on the street, I could hardly bear to watch. I can understand the fascination with the sliding but I could only think, what if a car comes along, tries to avoid the children and ends up spinning or slides into the children regardless? Surely there are other ways to enjoy the ice without having to endanger yourself and the others?

It's incredibly quiet out there, clearly no-one likes using their car in these icy conditions. I wonder how I will walk to school tomorrow but perhaps by then some of the gritters will have reached our roads and pavements too.

A busy day, with a visit to the Doctor just to see that what was ailing me at the weekend wasn't anything to worry about unduly. Looks like I just need to take painkillers to take away the pain and hopefully that will make me sleep better tonight.

Looked at poems by E.E. Cummings today and promptly ordered a book. Hope it's as good as I think it will be.

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