
By madowoi

Wonderland Quarry

My intention was to get out early today and walk the shoreline north of the lighthouse. I know there's no official trail there, but I've spent some enjoyable afternoons wandering in the area in the past. Apparently things have changed since then, because now the park had signs posted in the area:

"Persons located within the closed area will be in violation of 36 Code of Federal Regulations 1.5(f) and are subject to citation or arrest."

Well! Normally park authorities are not nearly so prickly, so I can only assume the area has been overrun with some illicit trail construction. I decided to wander somewhere else where there were no signs.

So I went along the shore south of Seawall, and eventually ducked into the woods by an old quarry site. There are a lot of old granite quarries in the area, nothing very deep or expansive, but at one time it was quite a local industry. There were piles of old tailings lying covered in lichen and huckleberry among patches of stunted pitch pines, the whole place honeycombed with deer trails. It was so dry and hot out that I had worn shorts for the first time this year, which turned out to be a poor choice. Very scratchy walking! I found some scattered pieces of deer hide and bones, but never did find the carcass proper. Some crows kept a wary eye out and occasionally warned everyone that I was around, though I don't know who all that could have been. Besides some song sparrows, juncos, and yellow throats there was no sign of movement, not even squirrels. After awhile everything looks the same in places like this and you could easily get turned around and disoriented but for the constant sound of the ocean nearby. I eventually made my way back out to the shore and walked back to Seawall where I had parked. It started raining a little just as I got home, a perfect mood setter for my second cup of coffee.

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