
We had some snow yesterday, not much but enough to lie. This morning was cold and crisp and beautiful, so Orla and I went out with the sledge. I took her into the community park, where there's a perfectly-sized slope for her. At first she wanted me to pull her until she got going. I showed her how to use her feet, but she said she wanted a pull. Then suddenly she just started doing it herself and had an absolute ball. I'm so glad we got the opportunity to do something that was such fun for her.

This afternoon was a bit of a contrast. I had an appointment at day care for a blood pressure trace at 3pm. They didn't actual start the trace until 4. By 5 they had decided they needed to take more bloods and asked me to wait for the results. Dad came to
pick me up and brought Orla with him. I was told they'd have the results by 6, so we went to the cafe. Dad wasn't feeling too good, so I told him to go home and Catherine came to collect us. But at quarter to seven we were still waiting and the midwife told me my blood analysis was only just being started. She let me go home to put Orla to bed. Catherine collected Mum to babysit Orla and we headed back to the hospital. After all that, my results were fine but I have some medication now to keep my blood pressure under control. So it's back on Wednesday for the consultant clinic. Bit of a palaver, hopefully baby decides to put in an appearance by his/herself before a week tomorrow.

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