Mono Monday to the rescue
When the weather doesn't want to play ball, it's always good to have a challenge to fall back on, so thank you to host laurie54 for the Mono Monday prompt of '...beginning with S'.
To be fair to the weather, there were sunny intervals, but none long enough to tempt me out, when the showers were so heavy in between. So I dug in the drawer to stir the contents into Blip action! I actually took the photo in mono, but then couldn't resist playing with it on Photoshop.
I've been a blipper long enough to remember when neither words nor frames were permitted, but it's all part and parcel of playing for me, so I'm glad those rules have gone by the wayside. Both photo and digi-play belong to today, so there we are!
Pleased so many of you enjoyed my Spot-the-Difference puzzle blip yesterday. I did say I'd give the answers today, but I don't think anyone came unstuck, except perhaps on the one change that I feared would be difficult to see: the coin shows tails in the top picture, and heads in the lower one. Well done if you found all ten differences.
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