Bring me sunshine......

Had an unexpected day off today as Lottie wasn't well enough to go to school - her first ever day off. So we had a lazy morning, did some washing, did some sorting out and played on the disney website.

It's been freezing cold, we have had snow showers and sunshine - and I nipped in to the garden to get a blip of my miniature daffs in the sun. I was only out a few minutes and my fingers were numb.

Hubby came home from work burning up and coughing and went straight to bed, and I really am a useless unsympathetic nurse!!

Am now sitting feeling sorry for myself, was in need of a bit of adult company tonight! It's nearly three months since we lost my dad and it seems to be getting harder to deal with rather than easier. Everything that happened in the second half of last year is starting to get to me again and I don't feel like I am coping at all.

I'm sure it will get better soon - maybe a good night's sleep will help!

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