Server error
Well, I've had an exciting evening. I wrote a story on ex-MP Chris Huhne and ex-wife Vicky Pryce receiving their sentences at Southwark Crown Court, clicked 'publish' expectantly and suddenly found myself staring at a 'server error' message. A second and third attempt made no difference: the story still stubbornly refused to publish. It was past 6 o'clock by that point so our web developers had all gone home. Sticky moment. I may just have treated the empty office to a little bit of colourful language...
But once I'd finished with all that stuff, a little bit of detective work was still called for. I managed to track down the main man at the web developers (I'm sure he was delighted to hear from me while eating his dinner or watching EastEnders or whatever) and between us the problem was eventually identified. Another misbehaving plug-in, one which had chosen the worst possible time to go on the fritz! *fist shake!* The stories were duly hoyed online and it was well past eight by the time I finally got to leave the office....
Comment catch-up tomorrow night :-/
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