The boys are back in town

They never left really as there's been a couple nesting in the trees around our garden. Today, though, there were 4 or 5 knocking about which is always a bit worrying when other birds are still nesting. Apparently, the Magpies are a much-maligned bird and there is no evidence of them raiding other birds' nests, said someone recently.
Looking it up I'm afraid that is totally false, there are many websites that say they are a pest in more ways than eating other birds' chicks and eggs. This one for example How To Effectively Scare And Keep Magpies Away (
After much flurry and flapping around these two were left, probably the two that used our trees for nesting.
The bright pink, by the way, is our Mayflower tree, or Hawthorn to give it the proper name.

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