A promise
This old motor home has been parked here for at least a week, despite then note attached to it! (see 1st extra). Part of the first sentence is hidden by the wiper, but it says: "My two tow-truck jobs didn't line up." I deleted the phone number and name . I wonder when the jobs will line up!
A refreshing early morning walk in the light rain - until I met a neighbour walking in the opposite direction and we stopped to have a socially distanced chat. It started pouring but we kept talking, and I got soaked! She walks really quickly and didn't have her jacket on, didn't put her umbrella up initially. I asked her if she wanted a ride but she said that she needed her morning walk. It was good to catch up a bit.
After lunch, I washed the kitchen and bathroom floors then went out to help G crush some of the tent caterpillar "tents" that he cut off some of the trees. They've already decimated the leaves on some of the the young alder. The leaves should come back sometime in June on the older trees but the younger ones have had it. There were a few crawling on the house so I got rid of them too. G spotted the owl that's been hanging around, so I managed to get a shot of it from a distance. He saw it the other day too but I didn't. The robins have been going crazy with their alarm and warning calls, so we know the owls are around. They've been very vocal too. This one sat and looked at us, unconcerned, but I didn't want to get too close, so the photo is really cropped. I included it in the 2nd extra.
Third extra: Morning munch. Nice to see the donkey again. :-)
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