
By phillcheung

Best Mates

So, with all my old mates, only really a few left in Australia, most of them are have left to work overseas, go gone back home.

Brendan is on the Left and Dan is on the right,

Brendan is a old mate from uni, we didn't really become close till about 4 years back, we started to rock climb today, twice a week, it was good as we both kept it up as long as we could, since have a baby i haven't been able to climb anymore, and he has moved on to other sports, Brendan is a bit of freak of nature, his arms are the size of my legs and his legs.... well he went to see the Carlton(AFL) footy club physio, and even the physio said she legs were 'maxed' out. he torn his ALC in his right knee , keep doing sports for entire year before he figured out it needed to be fixed, and when I say sports, i mean, 250k bike rides, boxing training 3 times a week and climbing with me.

I met Dan in highschool, when i first came to Australia, we have share many ups and downs, Dan is probably the most open minded person I know, hte has open my mind to many different subject. I expect that we will see each other the most often out of all close friend as Dan likes to the travel the most,

I am trying to come up with some sort of scheme to get them to to immigrate to Canada. Brendan would be easy, I just need to introduce him to a lovely Canadian girl and let her work her magic on him. Dan will be a bit harder.

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