
By PatMacCan


Look what the vet did to me today! How undignified! She(the vet) said I needed an ultrasound and that I just had to be shaved. The outcome is good, I have no nasty diseases . However I do have an enlarged liver and heart, as well as a heart murmur;one of my valves. I sure feel a lot better than I did a few days ago, so life goes on--- as long as they( my caretakers) feed me.

Speaking as one of the caretakers; our wallet is a lot lighter, but then so is our mood.
Hamish was fainting any time he made any effort or got excited. This worried us, so off to the vet, who gave him many tests $$$$$$$. All they came up with that was unexplainable was anemia . We knew about the heart murmur and that he is a bit overweight, but the fainting was new. This seems to be correcting itself after about a week of rest! Anyone ever seen a J.R. rest !? What it has meant is not allowing him to jump, or go up or down stairs. That meant we had to lift and or carry him--- and he's heavy! Good news is that he is very much better and his usual belligerent self.

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