Once Navy - Always Navy

Seems strange that events of eighty years ago have more resonance than the events of thirty-nine years ago.
But that is the continued ‘Hood’ effect, HMS Hood, the pride of the Royal Navy and world famous blew up and sank with the loss of 1415 of her crew, only three survived.
This year the Hood Association asked Veterans to select a crew member, download their Remembrance Page and display it in your window.
I chose Reginald Frank Edmiston because he was a Chief Engine Room Artificer, same as me.

Contrast that with HMS Antelope, lost in Falkland Sound in 1982. There were lives lost and the two broken halves of the ship formed one of the iconic images of the conflict but it doesn’t resonate with the public the way the ‘Mighty Hood’ does, even amongst those who have no Naval connection.

We of the Navy remember them all.

Elsewhere I worked on one of Mrs S’s birthday gifts, it’s coming along nicely.

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