Under cover
The seafront shelters of Llandudno provide protection from wind and rain - and occasionally even from the sun! They provide an under cover place to sit and chat, to read or meditate, to just stare out to sea. They may even provide a place to eat your fish and chips with just a little more protection from marauding gulls than just sitting on the sea wall.
They also provide a chance to see beneath the covers of the tourist industry. The photographic installation Hidden Hospitality is the opportunity to showcase the hard-working B&B/Guesthouse owners in Llandudno. To get to know the people behind the welcoming smiles and reveal stories from the industry and memories from the town. Normally anonymously under cover of their roles, these portraits reveal the individuals (see extra)
So when we walk along the prom, this seems an ideal subject for today’s challenge. I’ve already shot one shelter, but further up the prom I find this one, and like the portraits more. G obligingly provides some human interest, but as I take the shot, a man with a notepad comes along and stands studying the faces, pausing now and then to take notes. Who is he? Just a normal visitor to the area? Or is he actually an undercover inspector of shelters, making notes on the amenities?
An update on my ongoing battle with the hospital: apparently my notes have been copied and taken to the post room to begin their journey down to London. But for now this is where they’ll stay as there are no staff available to organise a recorded delivery ..........
Thanks to Bobsblips for hosting!
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