Super Blood Moon

‘It’s a super blood moon Enzo’ the Silverback’s said. ‘You’ll never see another one’.

We were up on the roof garden at nine o’clock at night with all the lights out. Luckily yesterday was a beautiful sunny day and it was still about 18 degrees.

I didn’t grasp all the technicalities that followed.

9 o’clock is a very important time in my day. It’s when I go across the road to the park for my last visit to the peeing tree. Then it’s dental chew and bed.

Anyhow, after a while the folks got tired of sitting on the roof in the dark and we went back down to the lounge room.

Nipped over the park, about 15 minutes behind schedule, then off to bed as quick as I could to try and make up for lost time!

Funny, it was very dark out! Had to keep an extra sharp eye out for werewolves!

Happy to report, none were sighted.

Luckily the Sparrow has 6am Pilates this morning so the Silverback and I can lie in for a few minutes and get everything back in balance.

Can’t have your Yin getting fatter than your Yang, that would never do!

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