
By stellarossa

Strange week

So just when I start to feel more in control, the Universe throws me a curve ball. Violent food poisoning on Monday even though no one else in the household was ill. Then, today fully recovered, I took the pup out for a walk, met another dog walker with a big dog who was chasing Juno in the fields. Anyway one moment I was chatting away, next the big dog barrelled into the back of my knees full pelt and I found myself on the floor landing awkwardly on the shoulder with the torn tendon. For a minute or so the pain in my shoulder was agonising and I think I scared the other dog walker before it passed and I managed to get to my feet.

I am so sore now though and the last few weeks physio has all gone out the window and I’m back to square one.

I was on Zoom calls all afternoon and doodled an eco community I want to build when I win the lottery.

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