In My Life

By AdianMcGarry

Identity Crisis...

I'm not sure if this square officially exists. You won't find it named on a map. The buildings have an address either on King Street West or Bridge Street yet there is a street sign on the wall for the original Motor Street (before it was a square) which also doesn't show up on any modern Manchester street map. I remember football legend George Best's 'Edwardia Boutique' was here. I went in one day in the early 70s and he was actually serving! I was fifteen, I got his autograph and bought a penny-round collar shirt! At that time the area was known as 'The Village' and was home to 'Blinkers' nightclub and 'The Village Barber Hairdressers' both frequented by celebrities of the day as 'Granada TV Studios' were only a few blocks away. Recently there was a Starbucks here and in fine weather the area had a European café culture feel but the coffee shop has closed and the little square sits here alone apparently with no identity.

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