Doctor Smiley
Early start for us all this morning. I had to get everyone ready for school and Lincoln at the doctor's.
Doctor Wylie is a lovely man and he was fantastic with Lincoln. He is so friendly and Lincoln was at ease with him and telling him how his brain hurts. The next plan of action is blood tests on Tuesday. I have the magic numbing cream to put on both his arms beforehand. I haven't told Lincoln yet as I know he will freak out. He's had blood's taken before. But doc Wylie wants to test everything. Thyroid, diabetes, iron, etc He said that once all that is over then he will probably order a CT scan. But he did say that we might be better using our private healthcare to get seen quicker. We will cross that bridge if and when it comes to it. Let's get the bloods done first.
I managed to get back through to Amazon last night so after the docs I took the 3 wildlings along to the post office and then into town.
We got the bus home which the bigger ones were excited about. Harp doesn't remember being on a bus as the last time she was a baby. She enjoyed it but looked apprehensive at time's.
Xander's tooth fell out last night so while he was at school and everyone was out the house. The magic tooth fairy paid him a visit and left him some pennies. Well when I was younger it really was pennies
Now it's dinner and then bath as they are all filthy from playing outside. X
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