Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

A rosebud by my early walk...

A Rose-bud by my early walk,
Adown a corn-enclosed bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning....
If I don't go onto the next line I can almost get away with using a white rose rather than a red,..... well, that and the lack of a corn-enclosed bawk!
It was definitely a dewy morning though. In fact this poem was written by Burns about a young girl rather than a rose , but it seems appropriate here!
The girls stayed over and I had to wake them this morning they slept so well. They were in good humour, the chocolate spread on toasted crumpets added to their joy! After dropping them I came home in time to pass their worldly goods on to Kathryn on her way home.
I went out for 40 minutes or so and came across this bank of wild roses on the cycle path. The banks are really filling with the scents and colours of late spring at last. It's the first of June on Tuesday, how can that be?
This blips alternate title (The Monkees 1967!) could have been 'There's been a Murder' (Jim Taggart/Mark McManus 1983-1995)
I realised something was awry in the back garden when I got home. Several clues - a string of water weed and an extended poo in the middle of the lawn, my iris on the pond misplaced and the fountain spray on its side. Not a fish in sight! After a bit of local research it would appear that there is an otter making midnight raids on the ponds of EH4. It's been caught on camera several times.
Those who know me know that I live in a narrow strip of houses in suburban Edinburgh between two major A roads so not an obvious otter area. The nearest water is a good half mile away. The villain manages to get under netted and even frame and wire covered ponds and devours everything in the pond. Apparently there's not much point in restocking as they come back. I feel very sad, I've had a pond for over 15 years and apart from a visit by a heron 10 years ago all has been well. The current (well, recent) residents were all over 7 years old.
Other than that the *********** slugs /snails had enjoyed the top of my only surviving runner bean which had grown from seed. It's tempting to throw my trowel out of the wheelbarrow at times! Still, on the bright side, at least I do have some bought bean plants and I hadn't got around to putting my courgette seedlings out yet. So we will still have a crop, hopefully.
I had two Zoom meetings this afternoon, one Cursillo and one church both of which I was leading - they went well. Now though I'm glad to just sit down and relax and decide whether I should be pleased that we have otters living nearby..... or not!
Keep safe everybody, our local cluster is still increasing, we're just keeping away from folks for a while to make sure we're (hopefully) not spreading anything.
Does anybody know what the incidence is of those who have been vaccinated becoming infected? I haven't seen any reports.

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