
By Snapjax

A Social Engagement

Another Health-related appointment this AM, this time with my Bone Man, Dougie.

The 2A bus took took me to Street Lane, and following my therapy I walked back to Moortown for the purposes of Banking and a small food shop.

Lunched very well, and took an late afternoon nap.  

Rested, I headed off to see Ian Shaw at Seven Arts (see extra) at 9pm. I am normally climbing the stairs at this time.  This was my first time back at a live gig since Lockdown 1.0, despite limited numbers the venue felt  more crowded than The City Varieties had been on Saturday when we went to see Nomadland. 

I sipped a Double Jamesons with ice to help curb my covid anxieties, I find it has a similar effect to Bach's Rescue Remedy, and it did the trick.

The set was a good mix, but not sufficiently, sing-a-long, toe-tapping enough for me. However, it was good to hear live music and I enjoyed Ian's performance. Ever the performer!

The main is of Leeds Morris Men enjoying themselves in Seven's courtyard.

I walked home, there was some light left in the Sky, I love saying that. It felt more like Summer but not yet warm enough to sit outside, air is still damp.

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