SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

This is home - Queensferry

Queensferry does feel like home which is funny as never lived there, would love to though, maybe one day. Clever series of home images at Edinburgh airport.

On another flight but coming the opposite way from Friday! En route back to London.

Lazy day today at home with mum, packing, sorting and getting ready for the flight. We went out for lunch at a local restaurant that we have always favored, lentil soup and macaroni - perfect winter weather food!

Cannot believe this weekend is over already. We have all looked forward to the hen do for ages and that's it finished! Wedding next only 20 days for her to go :)

Start of birthday week! Tuesday is going to be a good one, Wednesday is birthday day out for dinner that night, usual bits on Thurs and Friday and then a great weekend!

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