Willow Warbler

One of my favourite birds and singing today in the wood on Iain's croft next door. 
I suspect that the majority of people have never heard of them, let alone see one. There were however 2.3 million territories held by this species in the UK in 2016 so with over five millions birds, it is by no means a rarity. Weighing in at less that 10g - although they still manage to fly to equitorial Africa every winter - they would only contribute a total of less than 50 tonnes of birds across the UK. 
It is interesting to note that in Autumn, it is thought that the pheasant population has a mass between 1.6 and 1.7 times the mass of all the other birds in the UK at over 40,000 tonnes. With apologies for the 'shouting'.

PS The last line on a local bird news site today reads: "Marine Sightings: A Shark was seen at the north end of Loch Bee, at Clachan this morning!". 
Less than a kilometre as the shark swims from where Tricia had her swim yesterday......

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