River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: View from Back Door

It rained for most of the day but very mild ... and no wind!
Went to Lidl to do a grocery shop, was lucky that it was dry when I got there and when I was ready to leave.
All the vegetable seeds have now been moved from bedroom windowsill to the greenhouse, no frost at night time. The solitary cucumber has been joined by a very late germinating companion - so I now have 2 weedy cucumber plants! Fingers crossed :-))
Another Bank Holiday weekend, lots more traffic and the council have started repairing bits of roads!
Thumbs up to the council for thier grass verge cutting - they've cut next to the road and left the remainder up to the hedges wild and tall, good for the wildlife!
Blip taken late afternoon sky still grey but stayed dry - colours manipulated!
Happy Weekend, hope it's relaxing for everybody x
ADDED LATER: the hedgehog was eating under the pear tree at 10:30pm ....!!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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