Place: St Pete Beach, FL 72/86
Main activity: Fri - errands, pool, cleaning, relaxing
Notes: Slept so well - and woke to complete silence! What a fantastic and long-overdue change! Slept long and hard enough was still groggy for quite awhile but headed out anyway. Handful of things from the big Walmart near me and then on to Trader Joe's - another good-sized list and got 20 lovely yellow tulips (other great colors but this batch looked the healthiest). I now have one big and one small arrangement in the new place - makes me so happy and haven't done this for myself in many years! A bit more unpacking and cleaning. Did much rearranging in the kitchen cupboards to create space for what I need and will access daily. Got in a very short stint at the pool - feels so great just to be out by Bay with incredible views. After the pool, somehow started cleaning my bathroom and it turned into a huge deep-clean project as pink mold was all along the bottom of the shower and most hadn't been cleaned well in a long time. That led to cleaning the floors in the bathroom and bedroom as well. And then I went ahead and re-assembled the bike wall stand and got the up and off the floor. Finally a shower and then made a tortilla pizza with arugula salad - was delicious!

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