
This is the tunnel under the bridge I took yesterday, now a haunt of owls... Another mad-weather day of alternating blizzards and sunshine, though a lot less of the former, generally, than yesterday, and more of the latter. We had a very pleasant Monday evening, despite some snowy driving conditions, as we took Tom and Will to Leicester to a Courteeners gig at the Academy (for them) and a really nice meal at Shimla Pinks on London Road (for the rest of us.) Today I'm fasting and somewhat distracted by contemplating the extent of the 'work' that the dentist is planning on inflicting on my poor teeth when I see her later on...

Musically, I'm working my way through this whole slew of 'industrial techno' that arrived at my (virtual) door just the other day courtesy of middleman (don't worry, I did ask for it, it wasn't unsoliciticed and, as far as I'm aware, he doesn't just randomly 'techno-bomb' innocent bystanders) and I'm finding it curiously compelling. Ancient Methods (I believe a German duo, those nice people at Boomkat are really a wealth of only sometimes confusing information and really quite brilliant descriptions) properly hit their stride around here sometime yesterday morning with the 'Fourth Method', which is a massive racket - play it loud in the kitchen and your whole house will sound like a vast derelict Berlin warehouse. Today I've discovered that the 9 minute a-side of 'Fifth Method' requires a bit of stamina (not to mention the potential embarrassment of involuntary rhythmic twitching on the bus) but if you get through it you're rewarded with a an actual vocal sample on the b-side - I believe the heavily processed teutonic gentleman was telling me to repeatedly to "move it..."

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