South African Daisy

Made sure I got out for my pre-work walk this morning.  I had a busy day at the laptop.  My morning was interrupted by my appointment for my second vaccine - a whole month earlier than I was expecting.  TT has his today too, but his appointment was later than mine.  Unlike the last time, I didn’t meet anyone I knew.  My vaccinator had retired from the ambulance service a number of years ago and had been back vaccinating for about six weeks.  He told me he had almost got the hang of it!
I had an important piece of work to get on with today and knew I had to get it finished off in case I had another reaction.  I had a few points in the afternoon when I felt a wee bit odd, but the thing I really noticed was  my sore arm which came on really quickly this time.
I made it through the day and submitted my work.  BB’s football training was cancelled (hurrah!), so I went out for a wee walk as it was a lovely evening.  I didn’t go far, but knew I was beginning to fade and my walk became quite hard work.  By the time I got home I was feeling distinctly “virusey”, achey, hot and cold, headache, so took some paracetamol and went straight to bed.
The sun came out at lunchtime and these beauties opened up.

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