
By Groggster

Max Load Melba

Today's image was taken on the way back from lunch at our local pub, The Chequers in Aylesford.
This was the first time we had managed to sit inside a pub since before the last lockdown - which must be over 6 months ago! I booked a table for lunch as my brother had had a very stressful week at work (I won't go into detail but let's just call it a reorganisation for the sake of it by his employers which is almost designed to make their employees' working life harder!). We enjoyed a couple of pints each, a warm scotch egg with triple cooked chips and a mozzarella and garlic flatbread. A slightly odd combination but utterly delicious!
We then took a stroll out to The Friars just as the sun broke through the clouds and sky turned an azure blue - it felt like the middle of summer.
On the way back home I wanted to get another colour image and spotted this red traffic cone and bright yellow board (apparently the official term is a footway board) covering a damaged drain cover. I really enjoyed the fact that it is manufactured by a company called Melba Swintex - great name -  (their website describes them as the world's leading manufacturer of temporary traffic management products) and that they are based in Ramsbottom (near Manchester).
The board can hold a maximum weight of up to 400 kg - about the same as a fully grown moose! I love a completely random fact!

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