Tibet Or Not Tibet? ....

.... That is the question. Came across these Tibetan Prayer Wheels on our travels today.

As you may have guessed, given that yesterday's blip came from home in Somerset, the answer is not Tibet, but Glastonbury (where else would you find Tibetan Prayer Wheels in Somerset?).

The Tuesday round of golf was cancelled due to the biting wind, so Tess & I went to check all was well at our (travelling) friends' house and make our now weekly hike up the Tor. Taking the back way down, we spotted another footpath we'd not tried before which led us a different way back into town, and past these Prayer Wheels, which are outside the Shekinashram Bakhti Yoga Ashram Holistic Retreat Centre., and other parts of Glastonbury we'd not seen before.

Go large to see Big Wheels keep on turning.

Off to Huish Park for Yeovil's game against Crawley later.

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