Old and new memories

I can hardly believe that we were married 50 years ago today!!! So much has happened over the years, so many memories to reflect on. B bought me a copy of the Times for that day and R&S have bought us today’s edition. It will be interesting to read, compare and contrast life in the world. Whilst we made our lives and built our future.

We are in Northumberland for the weekend and spent the day in Hexham having a wander about. The girls had a play in the park before we (the ladies) visited the Abbey. They were preparing for a wedding and we were fortunate to see the bridal party as they left the church. 

Coffee, ice cream and purchases from a superb cheese stall in the market place were highlights. A lovely friendly place to visit, most enjoyable. 

We had dinner with R &S in their ‘place’ and on arrival there were gifts for us. Flowers and wine from New Zealand, gifts from S’s family in Canada (makes the world sound small). 

Indoor games caused great hilarity. We survived Jenga without injury and managed to leave only a couple of ‘pinpricks’ in the wall after the game of darts. The professionals make it look easy. 

COVID may have changed the original plans, but life goes on and you adapt to make the most of it. A brilliant day, thanks to so many people. 

I’ve added a few random pictures in extras.

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