
Spent the morning waiting for 2 parcels to be delivered and then only one turned up.- both from the same company.  Took myself off for a walk and was surprised at how warm it was.  Walked almost to the next village, looking at the numerous lambs in the fields. then crossed over the road and came back along the top of the valley and down to Goit Stock.  Apart from a couple of families returning from the waterfall (8 children had been swimming and were then trying to walk back down the beck - worrying after recent events) it was very quiet.  Apologies for a collage, but everything looked lovely and I couldn't decide which photo to use.  I had taken my Nikon for an airing, but I should have taken my other lens to get some close ups.  I then had problems downloading as the camera has now been archived and the app I used to use refused to work with the camera!  Eventually downloaded via the memory card to the laptop but was unable to adjust the photos. Ho hum - it is now 01:30am so I've given up in frustration!  :-0))

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